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Ryot supports multiple authentication methods. By default, it uses local authentication which means that you can log in using a username and password.


Ryot can be configured to use OpenID Connect (OIDC) for authentication. The following environment variables need to be set:

FRONTEND_URL= # The URL of your Ryot instance
SERVER_OIDC_ISSUER_URL= # The URL of your OIDC provider (might end with trailing slash)
# Below are optional
RUST_LOG=ryot=debug # To debug why OIDC authentication is failing

In your OIDC provider, you will need to set the redirect URL to <FRONTEND_URL>/api/auth. The scopes required are openid email.

Once these are set, restart your Ryot instance and you should be able to see the button to "Continue with OpenID Connect" on the authentication pages. New users will have their username set to their email address. This can be changed later in the profile settings.


A user can either have a username/password or it can use your OIDC provider to authenticate but not both.

You can set USERS_DISABLE_LOCAL_AUTH=true to disable local authentication and only allow users to authenticate using OIDC.

Converting a local user to an OIDC user

  • Setup OpenID on your instance using the the above guide.
  • Make a backup of your database using this guide.
  • Logout of your original account and then click on "Continue with OpenID Connect". Continue with user you want to select, after which a new account will be created.
  • Let's say that I want IgnisDa below to be able to login using OIDC (of image
  • Drop into your database (docker exec -u postgres -it ryot-db psql) and copy the oidc_issuer_id (104798859970005336426 here) of the new user and then delete it using DELETE FROM "user" WHERE id = 'usr_v5aGOC9UzrId';
  • Update details of the old user using UPDATE "user" SET oidc_issuer_id = '104798859970005336426', password = NULL WHERE id = 'usr_ujrD0pCeKc1Y';. After this, it should look like this: image

You should now be able login using OIDC. The same procedure needs to be followed for all users that want their provider changed to OIDC.