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Video games

A guide about video games integration for Ryot.

Integration with IGDB

Ryot supports tracking video games via IGDB. However, the API is heavily rate limited, so it is not possible to hardcode the API keys in the application (unlike the others).

You can follow the below steps to obtain your own API keys and enable video game tracking.


  1. Create a Twitch account.
  2. Open your developer console.
  3. Click on "Register Your Application" on the dashboard.
  4. Fill up the details. Any name will suffice but it must be unique. Click on "Create" when you are done.
  5. You will be guided back to your application dashboard. Click on "Manage" for the application you just created.
  6. Generate a client secret. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret.
  7. Set the VIDEO_GAMES_* environment variables as described in the configuration docs.