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The easiest way to deploy Ryot is using the docker compose. Here is a non-exhaustive set of guides to deploy Ryot to alternative platforms.


  1. Click on "+ New Project" on your dashboard and select "Empty project".
  2. Once the project is created click on "+ New" and select "Database" and then "Add PostgreSQL".
  3. Click on "+ New" again and select "Docker Image". Type ignisda/ryot and hit Enter.
  4. Click on the newly created service and go to the "Variables" section. Click on "New Variable" and then "Add Reference". Click on "Add".
  5. Go to the "Settings" tab and then click on "Generate Domain".
  6. Optionally, you can set the health-check path to /health.


This is a script that automatically sets up a Ryot server using the docker image uploaded to Ghcr and creates a Dokku app. The script assumes you have a global domain set-up (i.e. the file /home/dokku/VHOST exists). It needs to be run with sudo privileges.

Re-running it updates the running server to the latest version.

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -euo pipefail

if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]
  then echo "Please run as root"


read -rp "Enter the name of the app: " APPNAME

# check if app name is empty
if [ -z "$APPNAME" ]; then
    echo "App name empty. Using default name: ryot"

# pull the latest image
docker rmi -f "$IMAGE_NAME" || true
docker pull "$IMAGE_NAME:latest"
image_sha="$(docker inspect --format="{{index .RepoDigests 0}}" $IMAGE_NAME)"
echo "Calculated image sha: $image_sha"

if dokku apps:exists $APPNAME; then
    dokku git:from-image $APPNAME $image_sha || echo "Already on latest"
    exit 0

dokku apps:create "$APPNAME"
dokku postgres:create "$APPNAME-service"
dokku postgres:link "$APPNAME-service" "$APPNAME"

# check if required dokku plugin exists
if ! dokku plugin:list | grep letsencrypt; then
    dokku plugin:install

dokku domains:add $APPNAME $APPNAME."$(cat /home/dokku/VHOST)"
dokku letsencrypt:enable "$APPNAME"
dokku git:from-image "$APPNAME" "$image_sha"


The demo Ryot instance is deployed to Fly. The following steps are required to deploy to Fly.

  1. Create a new postgres database for Ryot.

    flyctl postgres create ryot-db

  2. Copy the fly.toml file from this repository to your own repository. You WILL have to change the app key to a unique name. Deploy it using the below command.

    flyctl launch

  3. Connect the database.

    fly postgres attach --app ryot ryot-db

  4. Optionally you can configure the instance using fly secrets set.

    fly secrets set FILE_STORAGE_S3_URL=''


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You can install ryot from the Cosmos marketplace using this link: Install Ryot or by searching for Ryot in the marketplace.

Review the installation summary and click install to proceed. The database and credentials will be automatically created for you, but make sure you are happy with the URL chosen.

The instance will be available under your newly created URL via HTTPS if it is enabled. You can then proceed with creating your first user via the web interface's registration page.