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Integrations can be used to continuously update your media progress. They can be of two types:

  • Yank: Progress data is downloaded from an externally running server at a periodic interval.
  • Sink: An external client publishes progress updates to the Ryot server.

Yank integrations

For each integration you want to enable, credentials for the external server must be saved to your profile. To do so, go to the "Settings" tab and add a new integration under the "Integrations" tab.

You can configure the interval at which the data is fetched from the external using the integration.pull_every_minutes configuration key. Defaults to 5 (minutes).



This will only import media that are in progress. Perform an import if you want to import media that are finished.

The Audiobookshelf integration can sync all media if they have an Audible ID or ITunes ID or ISBN.

  1. Obtain an API token as described in the Audiobookshelf authentication docs.
  2. Go to your Ryot user settings and add the correct details as described in the yank section.

Sink integrations

All webhook URLs follow this format:

https://<instance_url>/backend/_i/<slug> # example


Keep your webhook urls private to prevent abuse.


Automatically add new Jellyin movie and show plays to Ryot. It will work for all the media that have been a valid TMDb ID attached to their metadata.


Requires the unofficial webhook plugin to be installed and active in Jellyfin.

  1. Generate a slug in the integration settings page. Copy the newly generated webhook Url.
  2. In the Jellyfin webhook plugin settings, add a new webhook using the following settings:
    • Webhook Url => <paste_url_copied>
    • Payload format => Default
    • Listen to events only for => Choose your user
    • Events => Play, Pause, Resume, Stop and Progress


Automatically add Plex show and movie plays to Ryot. It will work for all the media that have been a valid TMDb ID attached to their metadata.

  1. Generate a slug in the integration settings page using the following settings:
    • Username => Your Plex Fullname. If you have no Fullname specified in Plex, fallback to your Plex Username. This will be used to filter webhooks for the specified Plex account only.
  2. In your Plex Webhooks settings, add a new webhook using the following settings:
    • Webhook Url => <paste_url_copied>


Since Plex does not send the expected TMDb ID for shows, progress will only be synced if you already have the show in the Ryot database. To do this, simply add the show to your watchlist.


The Kodi integration allows syncing the current movie or TV show you are watching. It will work for all the media that have been a valid TMDb ID attached to their metadata.

  1. Generate a slug in the integration settings page. Copy the newly generated webhook Url.
  2. Download the addon from github releases. The file will have a name of
  3. Install the zipped addon to your Kodi instance. Once installed, it will be visible under the "Services" sub category named "Ryot".
  4. Click on "Configure" to fill in the correct details.

Flow Launcher


This is a community maintained integration.

The plugin for Flow Launcher allows you to quickly search your Ryot tracker by media category:


To install, search for "Ryot" in the Flow Launcher plugin store. Or use pm install ryot.

Refer to the documentation for post-install configuration.