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OpenID Authentication

Ryot can be configured to use OpenID Connect (OIDC) for authentication. The following environment variables need to be set:

FRONTEND_URL= # The URL of your Ryot instance
SERVER_OIDC_ISSUER_URL= # The URL of your OIDC provider

In your OIDC provider, you will need to set the redirect URL to <FRONTEND_URL>/api/auth. The scopes required are openid email.

Once these are set, restart your Ryot instance and you should be able to see the button to "Continue with OpenID Connect" on the authentication pages. New users will have their username set to their email address. This can be changed later in the profile settings.


A user can authenticate using only one provider at a time.

You can set USERS_DISABLE_LOCAL_AUTH=true to disable local authentication and only allow users to authenticate using OIDC.